Sustainability for TIM

The Report 2024 incorporates the principles of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and is included in the Financial and Sustainability Report. Read more

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Anti-corruption management system


The companies of TIM Group carry out their activities in compliance with the values and principles outlined in the Code of Ethics and Conduct, in the belief that business should not disregard ethics.

In this perspective, TIM acknowledges the importance of the Anti-corruption Laws and repudiates all forms of Corruption, rejecting and stigmatising corrupt behaviours or, more generally, conducts that are unlawful or anyhow contrary to ethics to achieve its business objectives.

To this end, TIM has adopted an Anti-corruption Management System compliant with the UNI ISO 37001 standard “Anti-corruption management systems”, of which the Anti-corruption Policy is an integral part. This Policy – the latest version of which was updated on 13th November 2024 – represents the systematic reference framework within which the standards and rules of conduct to be adopted for the prevention of corruption within the Group are defined.

Download and consult the Anti-corruption policies


TIM Group

208 KB


TeleContactCenter (ITALIAN)

229 KB