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03/30/2015 - 05:00 PM
Persons entitled to vote may ask questions on items on the agenda before the Shareholders’ Meeting, submitting them to the Company by Monday 18 May 2015.
Questions may be sent, accompanied by an identity document:
Those who wish to use the internet website are asked to first register by entering their personal data in an online form. Registered shareholders may then access a reserved area of the site using their personal password and formulate their questions on the various items on the agenda. When they have finished, shareholders will be able to decide whether to submit their questions (which will not then be modifiable), or to save them. In the latter case, shareholders may change or add to their saved questions until the end of the period established for the formulation of questions before the meeting ( 18 May 2015). Only holders who are entitled to vote may submit questions: their entitlement to do so is established by an ad hoc communication for participation in the deliberations of the Shareholders’ meeting and which attests ownership of shares at 11 May 2015 (record date).
The Company reserves the right to provide single answers to questions on the same subject.
Telecom Italia Shareholders' Meeting - May 20, 2015
Presentation of proposals on other items on the agenda/ supplementary agenda
Presentation of slates
Attendance and voting
Register to notify proxies, ask questions before shareholders' meeting and vote by electronic means