TIM's new image
A new image with a dynamic style, modern colours and people occupying almost the entire scene. Read more
FY 2024 Preliminary Results and Strategic Plan update
Webcast and live Q&A on Thursday 13 February 2025 at 11:00 AM CET. Find information
Sustainability for TIM
We want to help accelerate the sustainable growth of the economy and society by bringing value and prosperity to people, companies and institutions. Read more
Latest press releases
Read the latest press releases and search the archives of TIM Group's Press Office. Read more
Company information
TIM S.p.A.
Registered office: Via Gaetano Negri, 1 - 20123 Milan
Headquarter and Branch Office: Via di Val Cannuta, 162 – 00166 Roma
Tax Code / VAT no. and registration with the Milan Business Register: 00488410010
Registration in the A.E.E. Register (index of Manufacturers of Electrical and Electronic Equipment) IT08020000000799
Registration in the Registro Nazionale Pile (National Registry Batteries) IT09070P00001438
Share capital: euro 11,677,002,855.10 fully paid-up
Certified e-mail address (Casella PEC): telecomitalia@pec.telecomitalia.it
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