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Born in Bari, 14 June 1964, he is registered in the Register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Rome and registered in the Register of Legal Auditors, after obtaining a Degree in Economics and Commerce - corporate finance address - at the L.U.I.S.S. in Rome.
He is Adjunct Professor at Luiss Business School and Adjunct Professor of International Accounting, Advanced Budget Techniques at the Faculty of Economics – UNINT University of International Studies of Rome and Adjunct Professor of Financial Accounting, Degree Course in Business Administration, Pegaso International University, Higher Education Institution of Malta.
He is Chairman of Boards of Statutory Auditors of listed companies such as Maire Tecnimont S.p.A and Tim S.p.A. and holds positions in boards of directors and boards of statutory auditors of other unlisted companies.
He carries out his professional activity at his studios in Rome and Milan: in the field of tax consultancy, corporate consultancy, tax litigation, audit and institutions.
He is an expert and technical consultant at the Civil and Criminal Court of Rome.
Since 2001 he has been a member of the scientific committee of the Institute for Corporate Governance and Speaker in conferences, seminars and meetings organized by the Order of Chartered Accountants and other public and private bodies, and in a master's degree in tax matters.
April 2024
Statutory Auditor
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She was born in Florence on September 5, 1965 and obtained her degree in Law from the University of Florence.
She has been a practicing lawyer since 1992, first in private practice in Italy and abroad, in Italian and international firms, including Clifford Change, and then, until 2017, as in-house counsel, compliance officer and general counsel for some of the biggest financial and insurance groups in the world, including Citigroup, Barclays, Credit Suisse and Generali Italia. For these groups, she was responsible for Legal Affairs, Compliance, Anti-Money-Laundering, Corporate Affairs, Fraud Prevention, Data Privacy and Legislative Decree 231/01 - as well as relations with the regulators (Banca d'Italia, Consob, UIC, Competition Authority).
From 2008 to 2011 she was a Member of the Steering Committee of ASSOSIM (the Italian Association of Financial Intermediaries); from 2007 to 2010 a Member of the Executive Committee of the AIBE (the association of foreign banks operating in Italy), and chaired its "Insurance Guidelines for the implementation of the Law 231/2001 Organisational Model" technical commission, and "Legal and Compliance" technical commission.
She has chaired the Supervisory Body of Autostrade S.p.A., Guccio Gucci S.p.A., Gucci Logistica S.p.A. and SECO S.p.A.. She was Member of the Supervisory Body of Citigroup International Limited, Citibank N.A. and Generali Business Solution S.p.A. She was also Indipendent Director, Member of Nomination Committee and Member of the Control and Risk Committee of Credito Valtellinese S.p.A. Indipendent Director, Member of the Nomination Committee and of the Sustainability Committee of Net Insurance S.p.A.
Currently she provides consultancy on corporate and sustainability issues, and editorial activity on Law 231/2001 Organisational Model and Incentive Plans. Furthermore, she is also member of the Board of Statutory Auditors and of the Supervisory Body of TIM S.p.A., Indipendent Director, Chair of the Nomination Committee and Member of the Control and Risk Committee of Banca Popolare di Sondrio S.p.A.. She is also Chairman of the Supervisory Body of Cellularline S.p.A..
April 2024
Statutory Auditor
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Born on November 3, 1957 in Bologna, he is a Public Accountant registered since 1984 and Independent Auditor registered in the Public Accountant Register of Bologna since 1995 after graduating in Economics from the University of Bologna. He is registered as an expert in corporate, tax and administrative matters in the Register of Technical Consultants of the Judge of the Court of Bologna since 1996.
Since 2005 he is founding partner of the Studio Romani Gambini Cenni Menetti, based in Bologna; as a company and tax law consultant, he is active in private equity M&A transactions and contractual consulting for both Italian and foreign companies. He has held and currently holds positions as statutory auditor and auditor in various companies, some of which are listed on the Italian Stock Exchange. He has gained significant experience as judicial commissioner and as insolvency and heritages administrator due to several assignments received by the Court – Tribunale di Bologna. The Court of Bologna has also appointed him as technical consultant regarding company valuation in civil procedures.
He has also carried out a significant activity in the field of professional sport covering over time the position of Managing Director and member of the Board of Statutory Auditors, acquiring experience and knowledge of the Italian Basketball Federation (F.I.P.) and the Italian Football Federation (F.I.G.C.) regulations.
He currently holds the position of auditor of BOLOGNA AIL ONLUS (association which raises funds for research and hospital care for patients with leukemia and lymphomas) and of the Fondazione Enrico Redenti (foundation for the study of forensic law).
April 2024
Statutory Auditor
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He obtained a degree in Economics from LUISS Guido Carli in 1978 and he has been registered with the Order of Chartered Accountants an Accounting Experts since 1988.
He has been registered in the Register of Auditors since 1991.
From 1978 to 1983 he carried out the activity of auditing at KPMG SpA managing audits of large companies and holding training courses.
In 1984 he started Studio Schiavone Panni, developing corporate, management-administrative and tax consultancy activities as well as corporate auditing and organisation.
He chairs Board of Auditors in large groups as well as in supervisory bodies of listed and unlisted companies. On behalf of the Bank of Italy he is Liquidator of Banca Popolare di Vicenza and President of the Supervisory Committee of Prisma SGR SpA. On behalf of the Ministry of the Business and Made in Italy he is Extraordinary Commissioner of Manitalidea SpA in A.S.
May 2024
Statutory Auditor
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Born in Cavalese (TN) on March 16, 1967, she graduated in Economics and Business at the Catholic University of Milan. She is registered in the Register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Milan and in the role of Official Auditors.
She began her professional activity in Milan in 1991 at the office of Mr. Maurizio Maffeis with whom, in 1994, she founded the firm Studio Associato Maffeis – Vanzetta.
In October 2014 she is Founding Partner of the firm Vanzetta & Associati, in continuity with the previous firm and following to the retirement, of Mr. Maffeis.
Specialized in corporate and tax consultancy and company restructuring, she collaborates and has collaborated with numerous private equity and investment funds in the real estate sector.
She covered the role of Official Technical Consultant (OTC) in various arbitration procedures.
She was independent director, member of the Related Parties Committee, member of the Control and Risk Committee of Massimo Zanetti Beverage Group S.p.A. and independent director in DEA Capital S.p.A.,. From 2017 to 2023 she held the role of Chairman of the Board of Directors of American Express S.r.l..
She is actually Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors and member of the Board of Azimut Benetti S.p.A., Guala S.p.A., Pagani S.p.A., Sonatrach Raffineria Italiana S.p.A. as well as independent director of Tod's S.p.A..
She covered the role of member of the Board of Statutory Auditors and of the Supervisory Body of Cassa Lombarda S.p.A..
She carries out pro bono activities for some foundations (Accademia della Scala, Eurobrest and Nova).
May, 2024
The Shareholders’ Meeting appointed the new Board of Statutory Auditors for the three-year period 2024-2026 (until approval of the financial statements for the year ending on 31 December 2026).
The slate submitted by Vivendi S.E. obtained over 75.39% of the votes and therefore qualified as the majority slate; the slate submitted by a group of fund managers and SICAVs obtained over 17.63% of the votes.
The candidate indicated as first among the Standing Auditors from the minority slate, Francesco Fallacara, was appointed Chairman of the control body, in accordance with the law and the Bylaws. The Board of Statutory Auditors is therefore composed as follows:
Standing Auditors
Francesco Fallacara - Chairman, Anna Doro, Massimo Gambini, Francesco Schiavone Panni, Mara Vanzetta
Alternate Auditors
Massimiliano Di Maria, Laura Fiordelisi, Paolo Prandi, Carlotta Veneziani