Sustainability for TIM

The Report 2024 incorporates the principles of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and is included in the Financial and Sustainability Report. Read more

Latest press releases

Redazione ufficio stampa

Read the latest press releases and search the archives of TIM Group's Press Office. Read more

Incentive plans

Stock Option Plan 2022-2024

The Plan, approved by the Shareholders' Meeting of 7 April 2022, replaced the third cycle of the 2020-22 Long Term Incentive Plan with a single cycle instrument (2022-24), so to allow the participation of the management to the creation of value for the shareholders in a strongly incentivizing way.

The Plan is addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, the Top Management and a selected number of executives with key roles for the purposes of achieving the objectives of the Company's strategic plan. The recipients are distributed, in addition to the Chief Executive Officer, into three pay opportunity brackets in relation to the contribution and impact of the role held with respect to the Company's strategic objectives. The recipients of the Plan are granted the right to subscribe Telecom Italia ordinary shares, at a strike price of 0.424 euros. The option rights may be fully or partially exercised upon achievement of specific performance indicators, identified by the Board of Directors.