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Code of Ethics and Conduct

TIM Group’s internal and external activities are based on the observance of the principles set out in the Code of Ethics and Conduct, the cornerstone of  TIM Group’s organizational model and internal control and risk management system, in the belief that following a shared ethical vision during our daily business activities is an essential prerequisite to responsible and sustainable growth.

In line with the reference regulations of the countries in which we operate, the disciplinary systems we adopt are aimed at sanctioning non-compliance and/or violations of the content of this Code, with possible consequences for the recipients of the Code, for example in terms of remuneration and performance evaluation for employees or in terms of maintaining business relationships with TIM Group for suppliers.

We have always been committed to fighting corruption, in the belief that conducting business cannot be separated from the principles of legality and ethics. In consideration of this target, we conduct our activities in coherence with the principle of 'zero tolerance' towards corruption phenomena and for this reason we have decided to adopt the UNI ISO 37001 "Anti-bribery Management Systems" standard within TIM and the main subsidiaries of the Group, and undergo periodical third-party verifications. 

Download and consult the documents


Code of Ethics

15667 KB

Report on breaches 2023

55 KB