Sustainability for TIM

The Report 2024 incorporates the principles of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and is included in the Financial and Sustainability Report. Read more

Latest press releases

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Read the latest press releases and search the archives of TIM Group's Press Office. Read more

Activities, meeting and attendance

Within the Board of Directors, committees are appointed with consultive, propositive or instruction functions, as provided for by TIM’s Corporate Governance Principles and by the relevant Regulations, which detail their functioning rules. For the matters not expressly provided for by such Regulations, the functioning rules of the Board of Directors apply, if compatible, as provided for in the specific Regulation.

Each Committee is chaired by a President who coordinates the relevant meetings (which are recorded in minutes) and informs the Board of Directors about the matters discussed during the first possible meeting of the Board of Directors.

In the first meeting folloqing its appointment, the Board of Directors decided to set up the following Committees:

The Committees activities (also in relation to the number of meetings and attendance) is detailed in the Report on corporate governance and share ownership, published yearly by TIM.