TIM's new image
A new image with a dynamic style, modern colours and people occupying almost the entire scene. Read more
FY 2024 Preliminary Results and Strategic Plan update
Webcast and live Q&A on Thursday 13 February 2025 at 11:00 AM CET. Find information
Sustainability for TIM
We want to help accelerate the sustainable growth of the economy and society by bringing value and prosperity to people, companies and institutions. Read more
Latest press releases
Read the latest press releases and search the archives of TIM Group's Press Office. Read more
Board of Directors' responsibilities
The Board of Directors plays a role of strategic guidance and supervision, pursuing the main objective of creating value for shareholders in the medium-long term, also taking into account the legitimate interests of the other stakeholders, with a view to sustainable success of the business.
In addition to the matters reserved to the Board in accordance with the law, the Bylaws and TIM’s Corporate Governance Principles, which the Company has adopted, at the date of approval of the Report, the following transactions are reserved to the Board, as per the resolution of the Board of Directors on 24 Apri 2024:
(i) partnerships, joint ventures, shareholders’ agreements with respect to partially owned companies which, by virtue of their purpose, commitments, conditions, or limits that may result therefrom, have a lasting impact on the freedom of TIM’s strategic business choices, unless they relate to transactions or agreements already included in analytical and definitive terms in the Strategic Plan and/or annual budget approved by the Board of Directors and in force at the time, or for amounts other than those provided for therein;
(ii) investments and disinvestments, including - merely by way of example and without limitation - deeds of purchase and disposals of equity investments, companies or branches of companies that are strategically important in the context of the overall business activity, unless they are transactions already included in analytical and definitive terms in the Strategic Plan and/or the annual budget approved by the Board of Directors and in force from time to time, or for amounts other than those envisaged therein, provided that, considered individually, they are worth more than 50 million euros (or 250 million euros in case of investment connected to the participation to public and private tenders), as well as transactions that may entail, in their performance or at their end, commitments, and/or deeds of purchase and/or acts of disposal of such nature and extent;
(iii) taking out of loans, considered individually, for amounts exceeding 350 million euros (or 500 million euros in case of subsidized loans and/or loans subject to incentives at national and European level); disbursement of loans and issuance of guarantees in favour of companies and/or non-controlled entitles, in both cases, considered individually, for amounts exceeding 100 million euros (or 250 million euros in case of issue of guarantees in favor of companies or other controlled entities); as well as transactions which, in their execution or upon their completion, may involve undertakings and/or deeds of this nature and extent;
(iv) any transaction the equivalent-value of which is 5% or more of the equity or (if more) of the capitalization of the Company at the close of the last day of trading in the reference period of the most recent periodic accounting document released;
(v) appointments, at the proposal of the Chief Executive Officer and subject to the opinion of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, of executive directors (or equivalent positions) and non-executive directors and members of the board of statutory auditors of current or future subsidiaries identified by the Board as strategic, including - by way of example - the companies TIM Brasil, Noovle, FiberCop, Sparkle.
President's responsibilities
The President has the power provided for by the law, the Bylaws and corporate governance documents. The Chairman is also assigned a liaison role between the Managers of the Control Functions and the Board of Directors, as well as the ordinary management of their work relationship with the Company.
Chief Execuvite Officer's responsibilities
The CEO has the powers necessary to perform the acts pertaining to the company's business in its various forms, extending the delegation to the security organization, and therefore to the management of all TIM’s assets and activities of strategic importance for the national defense and security system, with the sole exception of those reserved to the Board by the law, the Bylaws or TIM's Corporate Governance Principles.