Sustainability for TIM

The Report 2024 incorporates the principles of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and is included in the Financial and Sustainability Report. Read more

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Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Composition and responsibilities

Paola Giannotti De Ponti


Domitilla Benigni


Umberto Paolucci


Without prejudice to the tasks attributed to it by the Borsa Italiana Code and internal rules, the Committee shall:

a) monitor the updating of the company management replacement lists, prepared by the Chief Executive Officer;

b) share with the Chief Executive Officer in advance decisions in relation to the appointment of managers who report directly to him/her and the appointment of the Chief Executive Officers of the most important subsidiaries;

c) monitor the adoption and implementation of measures to promote equal treatment and opportunities between genders within the company organisation;

d) propose the criteria for allocating the total annual compensation established by the Shareholders’ Meeting for the whole Board of Directors;

e) perform other duties assigned to it by the Board of Directors.

Download and view the Committee's regulations


Nomination and remuneration

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