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Independent Advisor, member of the Control and Risk Committee and President of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
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Married and with two children, Paola Giannotti was born on 13/7/1962 and graduated in political Economics with honors from Bocconi University in Milan. He specializes in finance at Universität zu Köln (Cologne, Germany) and New York University.
She is a Director, Chair of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee and a member of the Control and risk Committee of TIM S.p.A.
She has more than 30 years of international experience in the financial sector in the Corporate and Investment Banking area, such as in New York, London, Milan, Rome, Frankfurt and Paris where she has held various roles in world-leading institutions such as Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, Dresdner Bank, and BNP Paribas.
She began working as a financial analyst at Montedison S.p.A. (1986-1987) and then in Sviluppo Finanziaria S.p.A. Milan (1988-1989) and followed, as a business analyst, at the strategic consulting firm the Mac Group (1987-1988) in Rome.
From 1989 to 1998 she worked at Morgan Stanley, first in London as a business finance analyst and then as a business manager in Portugal. For Morgan Stanley, she worked in the equity capital markets sector in New York and then in Milan as Executive Director for the development of Italian customers and head of the Financial Institutions dept.
From 1998 to 2003 she was in London as Managing Director responsible for the Investment Banking activities in Italy first for Citigroup then for Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein where he was a member of the European Managing Director Committee and the European Council of Country Heads and a member of the Board of Directors of Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein SGR.
From 2003 to 2013 she was at BNP Paribas in Milan as Managing Director responsible for the management and development of the strategic customer portfolio (Enel, ENI, Terna, Poste, Ferrovie, Leonardo, Telecom Italia, MEF) and the Energy, Gas and Oil sectors. She was also a member of the European Committee of Senior Bankers and the Italian Executive Committee.
She later served as Director of Ansaldo STS S.p.A., UBI Banca S.p.A., FINECOBANK S.p.A., TERNA S.p.A., TIM S.p.A., ICF group S.p.A., ESP Equita PEP SPAC S.p.A., EPS Equita PEP SPAC2 S.p.A., Illimity SGR S.p.A. for TERNA, UBI Banca and TIM was also Chairman of the Controls and risks Committee.
In 2002 she was awarded the Bellisario Foundation Award as Manager of the Year. From 2000 to 2012 she was a member of the Council for Relations between Italy and the United States, under the Honorary Presidency of David Rockefeller. In 2019, Forbes magazine named her one of the 100 women leaders in Italy.
She speaks Italian, English and French. She has good knowledge of Spanish and basic knowledge of German and Portuguese.
May 2024
Independent Advisor, member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and of the Sustainability Committee
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Born in Rome in 1969, she is married and has two children.
In 1995, she graduated in Electronic Engineering from the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’.
She is a shareholder, together with her family, of the company Elettronica S.p.A, where she is now Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer, having previously held positions in the main corporate functions: from Strategic Planning to Business Development to Projects & Products.
The company, which is also owned by Leonardo and Thales, is an international reality with over 70 years of history in advanced electronic defence systems and today the Elt Group brand is an international reality with a multi-domain approach that also covers Cyber, Space and Biodefence.
Since 2020, she has been President of the investee company Cy4Gate, a company specializing in the design, development, and marketing of Cyber Intelligence & Cyber Security solutions for governments and companies and listed in the Star segment of the Italian Stock Exchange.
She is a founding member, together with 30 other European women key players, of the Women4Cyber Foundation, an initiative created by ECSO in 2019 and sponsored by the European Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society with the aim of increasing the involvement of European women in the cyber domain.
Since 2021, she has been founder and President of the Italian Chapter of the same Foundation.
Since June 2022, she has been a member of the Technical Scientific Committee of the National Cybersecurity Agency and since November of the same year, she has been a member of the Technical Scientific Committee of the Centro Studi Militari Aeronautici (CESMA), a think tank of the Associazione Arma Aeronautica (AAA).
May 2024
Independent Advisor, member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and of the Related Parties Committee
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Without prejudice to the tasks attributed to it by the Borsa Italiana Code and internal rules, the Committee shall:
a) monitor the updating of the company management replacement lists, prepared by the Chief Executive Officer;
b) share with the Chief Executive Officer in advance decisions in relation to the appointment of managers who report directly to him/her and the appointment of the Chief Executive Officers of the most important subsidiaries;
c) monitor the adoption and implementation of measures to promote equal treatment and opportunities between genders within the company organisation;
d) propose the criteria for allocating the total annual compensation established by the Shareholders’ Meeting for the whole Board of Directors;
e) perform other duties assigned to it by the Board of Directors.
Download and view the Committee's regulations
Nomination and remuneration
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