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TI shares

01/24/2020 - 04:05 PM

All the information about where Telecom Italia shares are listed (FTSE MIB Index and other) as well as the sector in which Telecom Italia operates.

The Telecom Italia shares are currrently quoted on the Milan Stock Exchange and have been quoted on the New York Stock Exchange (by means of ADR) till July 5 2019.

On june 14th the company announced its intention to voluntary delist its ordinary share American Depositary Shares  and savings share American Depositary Shares (Collactively, ADSs) from the  New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). 

Consequently, on 25 June 2019, TIM submitted the required documentation (Form 25) to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with the delisting to take effect 10 days thereafter.

On 9July 2019 TIM submitted Form 15F requesting the SEC to deregister all classes of its financial instruments listed to date, including the US-registered bonds issued by the wholly owned subsidiary  Telecom Italia Capital S.A. which are guaranteed by TIM.

Upon deregistration (which will enter into effect after a 90 day period), TIM has requested that it no longer be subject to the disclosure requirements of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934. This operation have no impact on the listing and trading of TIM ordinary and savings shares on the Italian Stock Exchange (Borsa Italiana).

The decision to delist the shares from the NYSE is in line with TIM’s objectives of simplification and cost saving, without detriment to its high standards of corporate governance, robust internal control system and transparent financial reporting (including publication on this website of English translations of financial reports, press releases and other regulated disclosures). 

The code numbers for the Telecom Italia shares may be found in the table below:

Telecom Italia
 TI ordinaryTI savings
ISIN  IT0003497168IT0003497176
Market/Segment:Italian Equities Market

Telecom Italia shares are included in more than 50 indices. The most important are:

  • FTSE Italia All Share
  • DJ STOXX 600
  • DJS Telecom

Telecom Italia is also present in the following Sustainability Indexes:

  • DJSI (Dow Jones Sustainability Index): World and Europe
  • FTSE4Good Index Series
  • Euronext Vigeo Eiris (World 120 Europe 120 and Eurozone 120)
  • Italian Climate Disclosure Leadership Index of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
  • STOXX® Global ESG Leaders Indexes (ESG Leaders, ESG Environmental Leaders, ESG Governance Leaders, ESG Social Leaders)
  • Ethibel Sustainability Indexes (ESI – Europe)
  • ECPI Indexes (Euro Ethical Equity, EMU Ethical Equity, Global Develped ESG Best in class, World ESG Equity).

Moreover, Telecom Italia is ranked as ‘prime’ within the OEKOM rating and as ‘industry leader’ within the Sustainalytics Report.

The code numbers for the TIM Participações shares may be found in the table below:

TIM Participações
 TIM Participacoes ordinaryTIM Participacoes preferred*
BloombergTIMP3 BZ 
Sector:Cellular/ Wireless Telecomms

(*) On June 22, 2011 the Extraordinary General Meeting of the company approved the migration of TIM Partcipacoes to the listing segment of corporate governance Bovespa called Novo Mercado and the subsequent conversion of all preferred shares into common shares.

TIM Participações is a publicly-held company, whose shares are listed on the São Paulo Stock Exchange (BM&FBOVESPA) and ADRs (American Depositary Receipts) are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).