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Independent Advisor, member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and of the Sustainability Committee
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Born in Rome in 1969, she is married and has two children.
In 1995, she graduated in Electronic Engineering from the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’.
She is a shareholder, together with her family, of the company Elettronica S.p.A, where she is now Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer, having previously held positions in the main corporate functions: from Strategic Planning to Business Development to Projects & Products.
The company, which is also owned by Leonardo and Thales, is an international reality with over 70 years of history in advanced electronic defence systems and today the Elt Group brand is an international reality with a multi-domain approach that also covers Cyber, Space and Biodefence.
Since 2020, she has been President of the investee company Cy4Gate, a company specializing in the design, development, and marketing of Cyber Intelligence & Cyber Security solutions for governments and companies and listed in the Star segment of the Italian Stock Exchange.
She is a founding member, together with 30 other European women key players, of the Women4Cyber Foundation, an initiative created by ECSO in 2019 and sponsored by the European Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society with the aim of increasing the involvement of European women in the cyber domain.
Since 2021, she has been founder and President of the Italian Chapter of the same Foundation.
Since June 2022, she has been a member of the Technical Scientific Committee of the National Cybersecurity Agency and since November of the same year, she has been a member of the Technical Scientific Committee of the Centro Studi Militari Aeronautici (CESMA), a think tank of the Associazione Arma Aeronautica (AAA).
May 2024
Advisor, member of the Sustainability Committee
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He graduated in Business and Economics at the Bocconi University in Milan in 1987.
He began his career at JP Morgan in 1987, in the Global Markets sector, holding various management positions in Milan and London, with responsibility for Italy and the EMEA.
He is a visiting professor on the MBA Programme at the SDA Bocconi School of Management, at the Bocconi University in Milan. He was also a lecturer at LIUC University in Castellanza (Varese) and Ca' Foscari University of Venice, where he currently teaches as Research Affiliate at the Department of Economics.
Previously, he was Chairman of Fondazione Fiera Milano and sat on the Board of Directors of LUISS University (July 2016-July 2019). He was on the Board of Directors of Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. and of Willis Towers Watson S.p.A. (April 2016- November 2019), and also a member of the Board of Directors of FIRC - AIRC, Italian Foundation and Association for Cancer Research (May 2016 – April 2020).
He served as Industry Advisor for Italy for Permira Private Equity and Senior Advisor to Partners S.p.A, focusing on corporate advisory.
Between 2001 and 2007, he held various roles within the Intesa San Paolo Group, in particular, from 2001 to 2005, the position of Head of Investment Banking and Structured Finance and Chief Executive Officer of Caboto Bank - now IMI Bank - and, from 2006 to 2007, the Group's Head of Finance and Treasury.
During his professional career, he was also General Manager and sat on the Board of Directors at the Mittel Group, Vice President of Sorin S.p.A, Chairman of Hopa S.p.A and a member of the Management Board at A2A S.p.A.
From May 2010 until July 2015, he held the position of Chief Executive Officer at Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A and CDP Reti S.p.A (December 2014 - July 2015). He was also Chairman of the Fondo Strategico Italiano (Italian Strategic Fund) (August 2011- July 2015).
Over the years he has held the position of Chairman of the "Technical Finance Commission" of ABI-Italian Banking Association and Adviser to the Italian Stock Exchange S.p.A., MTS- European Bond Exchange, EuroMTS, ISDA-International Swaps and Derivatives Association and AIFI-Italian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association.
He became Chairman of the Board of Directors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti on 24 October 2019 and of CDP Reti S.p.A. on 28 November 2019. On 2 April 2020 he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of CDP Equity S.p.A. On 11 November 2021 he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fondazione CDP.
He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of F.I.L.A. - Fabbrica Italiana Lapis e Affini - and a member of the Board of Directors of Avio S.p.A, both companies listed on the Star segment of Borsa Italiana.
On April 2020 he has been appointed Member of the Committee of Experts on Economic and Social matters led by Vittorio Colao (DPCM, April 10, 2020) at the Prime Minister’s Office. The Committee, with the purpose to face the epidemiological emergency COVID-19, drafted the Report "Initiatives to relaunch the Country “Italy 2020-2022”.
He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Aristide Merloni Foundation, Assonime (Association of Italian Joint Stock Companies), the General Counsel of AIFI (Italian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association) and a member of the Board of Directors of ISPI (Italian Institute for International Political Studies).
On 31 March 2021 he was appointed Member of the Board of Directors of TIM S.p.A.
On 21 April 2021 he was appointed Grande Ufficiale dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana.
On 30 May 2022 he was awarded the honor of Cavaliere del Lavoro.
April 2024
Independent director (under art. 148 of D.Lgs. 58/1998) and member of the Sustainability Committee
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Stefano Siragusa is the co-founder and Managing Director of Rari Nantes, an alternative investment manager delivering superior value in idiosyncratic opportunities which other investors are unable or unwilling to tackle.
Stefano’s international managerial profile has allowed him to hold a series of leadership positions in multinational companies in different industries.
He started in 2000 as Product Manager at Siemens AG in the Industrial Automation division in Italy and Germany, dealing with automation and process innovation in electrical and telco network operations.
In 2002, after his MBA, he began his career in The Boston Consulting Group -BCG, a global management-consulting firm. In BCG, he defined value-creation strategies and followed up their subsequent operational implementation for leading Aerospace & Defense, Transportation and Steel players in Europe, Americas, Asia Pacific and particularly in North America where he transferred in 2005. Once back to Italy, in 2011 he was elected Partner & Managing Director of BCG and was appointed as leader of BCG’s industrial goods division for Italy, Greece and Turkey. In 2012 he was also requested to coordinate BCG Aerospace & Defense division in Europe and Middle East. In 2013 he was elected member of BCG’s Global Operations Leadership Team. He moved to New York to be entrusted also with the responsibility of defining BCG’s content agenda and commercial strategy for Lean, Procurement and Supply Chain and Digital transformation topics.
In 2014 he returned to Italy from the United States to be appointed CEO and General Manager of Hitachi Rail STS formerly Ansaldo STS, a leading multinational in the sector of high-level engineering of transport systems listed in Milan (STS.MI) with headquarters in Genoa. He successfully manages the relaunch: the stock market capitalization doubles, exceeding €2 billion, orders grow by 160%, cash by 90%, profits by 80% and productivity by 60%.
In 2015, at the request of shareholder Finmeccanica, he guaranteed the sale of Ansaldo STS to the Hitachi Group and in 2016, after the start of the delisting process, he left the Hitachi group to become Senior Partner and Director of Bain & Company, a multinational leader in consultancy management strategy and founded the Special Situation practice focused on the restructuring of non-performing companies.
In March 2018 he joined the TIM group and became Deputy of the General Manager in 2021. In December 2022 he left the TIM group due to disagreements on the company strategy.
Stefano has held and holds roles as Chairman and member of the Board of Director of both listed and unlisted companies in the infrastructure, telecommunications and transport sector including Sparkle, Inwit, Persidera, ENAV, Noovle, Saipem, Mermec, Marangoni, Metro 5 Milan.
Stefano holds academic teaching and Advisor board roles at leading Italian universities including LUISS and Lumsa.
Stefano, born in 1976, graduated from the Polytechnic of Milan summa cum laude in Electrical Engineering. He completed his professional training by obtaining summa cum laude an MBA from MIP and then a master from Harvard Business School-HBS.
Stefano is devoted husband and a loving father of four kids Sergio, Sofia, Sara and Silvio.
May 2024
The Committee shall perform advisory, proposal-making, monitoring and investigative duties to support and guide the activities of the full board and management in terms of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) sustainability, in terms of positioning, objectives, processes and specific initiatives.
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Sustainability Committee
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