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05/30/2024 - 10:00 AM

The offering circulars, Prospectuses for bond listing, Information Prospectuses on the Issuer, Regulations and notices on the financial instrument have been published in accordance with the regulations in force.

None of the financial instruments described in the Prospectuses are offered or sold by the Group Companies.

In particular, with regard to issues in sterling and dollars, the information in the attached documents are not and may in no case be an offer of sale or delivery of financial instruments or an offer for the purchase of financial instruments in Italy, either for the public or for  “qualified operators” as defined in Art. 31, paragraph 2 of Consob Regulation N. 11522 of 1 July 1998 (jointly, the “Italian Subjects”); therefore, the financial instruments stated in this information are not the object of purchase, sale or delivery, direct or indirect, in Italy to Italian Subjects.

As for the issues in dollars place under the form “144A private placement with registration rights” according to United States regulations, these are private placements with institutional investors made in derogation to the US Securities Act and which do require registration at the SEC at the time of issue, though at a subsequent time.

All the bonds issued by Telecom Italia SpA, Telecom Italia Finance SA (guaranteed by Telecom Italia SpA) and Telecom Italia Capital SA (guaranteed by Telecom Italia SpA) are senior unsecured, therefore its's applied to them the same rating assigned to the issuer.

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