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Telecom Italia S.p.A. Euro 850,000,000 - Coupon: 6.875% - Maturity on Feb 15, 2028

04/20/2023 - 11:00 AM

Securities listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

€400 million tap issue documentation

Securities listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.


The temporary ISIN for the tap issue is XS2610787835 and the temporary Common Code is 261078783, both of which will apply for so long as the tap Notes are represented by the Temporary Global Note. The tap Notes will be consolidated and become fungible with the Original Notes 40 days after 12 April 2023 (being on or about 22 May 2023), upon exchange of the interests in the Temporary Global Note for interests in the Permanent Global Note. Upon such exchange, the tap Notes will have the same ISIN and Common Code as the Original Notes, being XS2581393134 and 258139313 respectively.