Sustainability for TIM

The Report 2024 incorporates the principles of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and is included in the Financial and Sustainability Report. Read more

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Our initiatives

Some of the things we are doing to make TIM an increasingly inclusive company.

Culture and company's identity

- In 2011, we signed the Charter for Equal Opportunities and Equality at Work, created in 2009 by Fondazione Sodalitas, AIDAF, AIDDA, Impronta Etica, UCID and the National Advisor on Equality, with the patronage of the Ministry of Labour and Ministry for Equal Opportunities. TIM's aim in doing so is to contribute to the fight against all forms of discrimination in the workplace, whether on the basis of gender, age, disability, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. At the same time, we are committing ourselves to valuing diversity within the company structure, with particular focus on equal opportunities for men and women. 

Obligatory paternity leave is doubled: as part of the Diversity & Inclusion program, TIM promotes shared parenthood thus contributing to reduce the gender gap and rethinking the paradigms of family and society roles. The 2023 Budget of the Italian government establishes 10 days of obligatory paternity leave, TIM adds an extra 10, for a total of 20 days, as a means of facilitating the presence of both parents at the moment of birth or adoption of a child.  

- We have devoted a special paragraph to the subject of inclusion in the main documents that define our company identity: our mission, vision and purpose, our code of ethics, human rights policy, human resources policy. Our charter of values have been renewed in 2023 and “Inclusion” figures as one of the 5 values.

- In 2017  we obtained the Family Audit certification (renewed in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021) that commits the company to a plan for the development of initiatives for reconciliation of family and professional life, a plan measured by a specific set of KPIs and KPOs.

- In 2022 we obtained the certification UNI ISO 30415 “Human Resources Management – Diversity & Inclusion” which recognizes our commitment on D&I and the value of our programs

- “4 Weeks 4 Inclusion” is the programme launched in 2020 with the contribution of 27 companies committed to matters of diversity, together they prepared a 4-week calendar, packed with 66 digital events, including webinars, digital labs and creative groups dedicated to inclusion, attended by over 10,000 people. In 2022, 4 Weeks 4 Inclusion included more than 300 companies and 600,000 people and the involvement of leaders from institutions, the business community and trade union associations. Here the on demand events of the TIM Group.

- “TIM4inclusioncommunity”: a  a community of knowledge sharing dedicated to these issues, with the participation of at least 200 colleagues. On a project working method, solutions are proposed for overcoming all types of barriers.

Training and development

- The performances of all TIM people are also assessed through a specific "Diversity and Inclusion" competence, which aims to measure the contribution in promoting the value of diversity and in strengthening the culture and practice of gender equality.We will measure our performance on inclusion issues based on the growth of this competence. 

- The TIM Academy diversity and inclusion training plan:

  • "Give value to diversity” available to all it gives an overview on this topic
  • "Managing disability” aimed at providing a better understanding of how to relate to a colleague or co-worker with a disability.
  • Inclusion = creating value”: a Special training program for middle manager will be launched, with a focus on the motivations linked to the benefits of inclusion and enhancement of diversity for companies
  • Inclusive Language: created in partnership with Parole O_Stili
  • Gender bias, stereotypes and prejudice.
  • TAD TALKS 4 INCLUSION: our format of training on D&I for managers.
  • LeadHERship al femminile: another format which presents to all the workforce inspiring stories of women.


Disability Management

At TIM, in Italy, there are 1,500 employees with disabilities, accounting for around 3% of the workforce. The following have been made available for these employees to have a positive work day:

  • the policy of automatic workstation adaptation, extended in 2019 to cover disabling chronic diseases as well;
  • solutions to improve communication between deaf and visually impaired and the rest of the workforce;
  • support for employees’ children with disabilities during TIM Summer camps.

At the beginning of 2020 a service provided by Pedius, a TIM WCAP incubated start-up, together with the partner Veasyt, was implemented to improve the flow of communication between hearing impaired employees and the rest of the company population. It offers the possibility to make and receive phone calls through a system of translation text to voice and viceversa and to have a LIS (Italian Sign Language) translator available on line for short calls or longer meetings, training or conferences.

Information videos were also provided by TIM Academy to describe, with Italian Sign Language, the services available and how to use them.

TheNessuno Escluso (None Excluded) project aimes at providing specific IT equipment for everyone with a disability.

The projects directed to our people with sensorial disabilities lead us to design also services for our customers with disabilities. They were designed with the help of our deaf and visually impaired colleagues. We therefore launched in 2021 “TIMinLIS” our customer service which uses the Italian Sign Language, and “TIMVISION speaks LIS” and “TIMVISION ascolta”: the most popular cartoon series offered on our multimedia platform TIMVISION are now offered with Italian Sign Language translation and audio description.

Gender and female leadership

Thanks to the partnership with Valore D, of which TIM is both a supporting partner and a member of the Board of Directors, every year more than 100 employees are able to attend skills building courses, mentoring and coaching programmes, as well as welfare and work-life balance courses and workshops.

Also launched in 2020 was  Progetto Donna”, which has two strands: climate and culture, and career. The first action of “Progetto Donna” was to publish the “TIM Gender Gap Reduction Manifesto”, which states the 5 specific commitments that TIM makes to people. 

TIM also has a Gender, sexual harassment and bullying policy which, besides providing a reporting system, provides thre resources to support victims of harassment and bullying: legal advice, counselling and a Person of Trust - someone outside the company who can provide immediate assistance. Over the next few months, we will launch a training course for the entire company, whilst other courses on inclusive language, created by Parole O_Stili, and gender bias, with the administration of the Harvard Implicit Association Test, have already begun. 

Before the end of 2023 we are planning to get the UNI/PdR 125 the official certification requested to the Italian Institutions about gender peer opportunities.

In 2021 and 2022 a series of role-modelling talks, Female LeadHERship, were organized in partnership with Valore D.

TIM’s pledge to shrink the gender gap has specific goals for fostering an equal opportunity culture, as well as more precise indicators which look at the number of women in leadership roles and the pay gap.

In order to foster an equal opportunity culture, we aim to reach the following goals by the end of 2021:

  • at least 50% of company employees showing awareness of the initiatives (the target was reached and exceeded by 12.17%)
  • development path gear specifically towards female employees, with at least 80% of them being involved (the target was reached and exceeded by 19.75%).

Regarding women in leadership roles and the pay gap, managerial incentives have also been introduced calling for, by the end of 2023:

  • reduction of the Gender Pay Gap in the Middle Managers segment Responsible;
  •  increase in the percentage of the population female executive out of total executives;
  • percentage increase of women in positions of responsibility;
  • out of the total number of holders of positions of responsibility.


Thanks to the partnership with PARKS, Liberi e Uguali, of which TIM is a founding member and Board member, we have implemented TIM's definition of "family", which extends all benefits granted to its employees (car, healthcare, supplementary insurance) to all cohabiting partners, regardless of gender, and grants the opportunity to access the company's many care services to the registered family of the employee (regardless of consanguinity, and therefore also to same-sex families and their children). 

Every year, with he help of PARKS we organize several moment of training on LGBT+ themes to raise awareness in the workforce and promote a culture of inclusion, specifically around significant dates like may 17th “IDAHOT” (International Day Against Homophobia and Transfobia”. In 2023 we organized a successful webinar called “Coming Out Stories” which hosted several stories of coming out of our colleagues.

In 2023 TIM is sponsor of Rome and Milano Pride and has organized a powerful campaign to support PRIDE month, including the visibility of the rainbow version of or TIM icon.

Age Management

TIM has launched an important Age Empowerment Program which,  given the fact that we now work for longer, includes a portfolio of activities: from the cross-generational “masters of the trade” meetings, to mentoring, to the redesign of models of development, training and rewards.

The aim of the program is to foster the contribution of every generation and at the same time to improve collaboration among people from different generations.

The fundament of the program is the  work drivers map, a massive survey that aims to profile the entire company population, and in particular the over 55s, according to motivation and employability, to encourage diversified development paths by cluster.


A special mention, next to our projects for inclusion,  is due to our volunteering activities.

  • 1502 Group employees have renewed their commitment to helping CIAI (Italian Centerfor Childhood Aid), the Community of Sant’Egidio and Save the Children, giving their support to remote adoption of children, with a total contribution of around 1.550.000 euros;
  • TIM encourages blood donation with specific campaigns and days of donation at company headquarters. In 2021, 3,190 employees donated blood for a total of 6,768 donations;
  • TIM makes available to its employees the possibility of handing over their days off to other colleagues in difficulty. In 2021, 1,614 hours of solidarity were exchanged;
  • the traditional appointments with the non-profit organizations at the company headquarters, in 2021 were suspended because of the pandemic and replaced by a column on the Intranet "Banchetti Solidali Digital Edition" that gave space to 4 ONLUS reaching over 4,900 employees.