TIM's new image
A new image with a dynamic style, modern colours and people occupying almost the entire scene. Read more
FY 2024 Preliminary Results and Strategic Plan update
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We want to help accelerate the sustainable growth of the economy and society by bringing value and prosperity to people, companies and institutions. Read more
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Accessibility Declaration pursuant to Italian Law 4/2004
TIM S.p.A. undertakes to make its website gruppotim.it accessible, in accordance with Italian Law no. 4 of 9 January 2004. This declaration of accessibility applies to:
Compliance Status
This website is partially compliant with the requirements of Appendix A of standard UNI CEI EN 301549.
Non-Accessible Content
Some content is not accessible due to partial or incomplete compliance with the provisions of Appendix A of standard UNI CEI EN 301549, referred to by the Accessibility Guidelines for IT Tools of 26/04/2022, in turn referred to by Italian Law no. 4 of 9 January 2004 as amended.
Some of the contents of PDF documents do not comply with the accessibility requirements prescribed in the Accessibility Guidelines for IT Tools of 26/04/2022
Therefore, the provider has undertaken to review internal processes and production methods to making the above-mentioned content fully accessible.
Drafting the accessibility declaration
The first version of the declaration was drafted on 04/11/2022.
The declaration was drafted using an assessment in accordance with the requirements of Directive (EU) 2016/2012 by means of a self-assessment performed directly by the provider.
The information in the declaration comes from the automated evaluation on a sample of pages using the Lighthouse tool, which reported a rating of 86/100.
Reporting methods and contact details of the reporting party
The Company provides the feedback mechanism used to report cases of non-compliance and to request information and content that is excluded from the scope of the Directive. To this end, any reports should be emailed to segnalazioni_accessibilita@telecomitalia.it.
The person responsible for user-submitted reports can be contacted at segreteria_accessibilita@telecomitalia.it
How to send reports to AgID
In the event of an unsatisfactory reply or failure to reply to the report or request within 30 days, the person concerned may send a complaint using the link (www.agid.it).
Site information
1. The publication date of the website: May 2020
2. Usability tests conducted: yes
3. CMS used for the website: Adobe Experience Manager
Structure information
1. The number of employees with disabilities in the organisation 1132
2. The number of workplaces for employees with disabilities is being determined.
Last updated: 4 November 2022
Technical information
To view pages correctly and for an optimal browsing experience on this site the following browsers are recommended:
Contact exclusively for technical problems related to the use of this website webactivities@telecomitalia.it