TIM's new image
A new image with a dynamic style, modern colours and people occupying almost the entire scene. Read more
FY 2024 Preliminary Results and Strategic Plan update
Webcast and live Q&A on Thursday 13 February 2025 at 11:00 AM CET. Find information
Sustainability for TIM
We want to help accelerate the sustainable growth of the economy and society by bringing value and prosperity to people, companies and institutions. Read more
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The current macroeconomic scenario is characterised by rising raw material and energy costs, a slowdown in economic growth with a very high rate of inflation, and rising interest rates. The European telecommunications sector also faces a new phase of technological innovation with investments in 5G, fibre optics, and innovative infrastructure (data centres, cloud technologies, etc.). In Italy, there has been strong price pressure, driven also by particularly stringent regulations.
In this context, the growing interest on TIM's high debt burden, accrued as a result of historical corporate events, has weighed increasingly heavily on the company’s profitability.
The 2024-2026 Business Plan rests on two pillars. The first is debt reduction, which, through the sale of the fixed access network, will decrease by €14.2 billion, increased by potential earn-outs of approximately €2.9 billion, the sale of Sparkle, and the recovery of the 1998 concession fee. The second pillar is the recovery of competitiveness of services, partly thanks to the easing of regulatory restrictions. Over the past two years, the conditions have been created for the effective implementation of the Plan, focusing specifically on maximising efficiencies, creating the ecosystem for the sale of the fixed network (after 12 years of attempts), ensuring the fulfilment of promises to the market (guidance), and returning profitability to services.
The new TIM maintains the breadth of the offer portfolio (which includes all fixed network and mobile services) and benefits from a sustainable financial structure that will enable it to develop innovative services, generate value, and play an active role in the expected market consolidation.
To learn more about the 2024-2026 Business Plan watch the presentation and consult the relative documents.
The new Customer Platform model will continue to enhance and stabilise the household and SME customer base and core business revenues, with a progressive increase in fixed and mobile ARPU and greater convergence between the two sectors. Moreover, it will foster revenue growth beyond connectivity with customised packages including high-speed fixed connections, mobile lines, content, equipment, and opportunities to enter high-potential market segments such as insurance and energy, etc., through specific partnerships.
TIM Consumer will also work to reduce costs through organisational streamlining and may benefit from market consolidation.
TIM Enterprise will leverage its unique positioning and competitive advantages to continue to accelerate service revenues in order to consolidate its ICT leadership in Italy by focusing on developments in key growth sectors such as Cloud technologies, IoT, Cybersecurity and AI.
TIM Enterprise currently boasts 16 Data Centres and has a leading position in the PA and large enterprise market with 4% growth. However, through the capitalisation of further opportunities, especially in the Cloud sector, it aims to grow by 6% also thanks to partnerships with major global operators and the full operational start-up of the National Strategic Hub (of which TIM is the leading partner and technological enabler)..
The telecommunications sector in Brazil offers great opportunities for a nimble player like TIM Brasil, which expects to deliver further growth on revenues and EBITDA with cash generation increasing in double digits over the 2024-2026 plan.
Brazil's encouraging macroeconomic outlook reduces risks and supports the sector's development. In this context, TIM Brasil aims to expand its business beyond connectivity by offering new services and content, and by aiming for greater penetration of the B2B market, where it already occupies a leading position, especially in rural areas, logistics, utilities and public interest sectors such as schools and healthcare.
TIM: sale of NetCo to KKR completed
TIM: NetCo closing set for 1 July
TIM: positive EU Commission green light for the sale of NetCo to KKR, closing expected on schedule
TIM: the Board Mandates the chief executive officer to negotiate a new offer for Sparkle with MEF
TIM: offer for the purchase of Sparkle received from MEF
TIM: Transaction agreement for Netco signed
TIM: approved by the Board of Directors KKR’s offer on NetCo
TIM: letter received from Merlyn Advisor and RN Capital Partners. The activities related to the offers received from KKR continue
TIM: binding offer on NetCo received from KKR
TIM: KKR granted extension to 15/10 for submission of binding offer on NetCo
TIM: KKR requests extension to 15/10 for submission of binding offer on Netco
TIM: examination of non-binding offers for Netco finalised, exclusivity period to KKR granted
TIM: Board starts the analysis of the offers received for Netco, examination will end on Thursday 22 June
TIM: two offers received as part of the competitive bidding process for the purchase of Netco
TIM: Board of Directors analysed Netco offers, requests final proposal by 9 June
TIM: two offers received as part of the competitive bidding process for the purchase of Netco
TIM: competitive bidding process for the purchase of Netco approved by the Board of Directors, improved offers requested by 18 april
TIM: Board examined KKR's offer, appreciated but improvement needed
CDP Equity, KKR, Macquarie, Open Fiber and TIM: Memorandum of Understanding signed with the aim of integrating the networks of TIM and Open Fiber
TIM: the Board of Directors has approved 2022-2024 Industrial Plan