Fairshareinitiative.eu, the website that takes stock of the motivations and advantages of Fair Share, is now online. It is the proposal supported by TIM and the main European Telecom operators for the benefit of European citizens and companies to make large digital players contribute to the development and maintenance of the infrastructures on which they base their business model.
Organised in 5 sections, the site launches the key message on the Home Page with the introductory video that incisively recounts the rationale and numbers of Fair Share: despite investments made by European telecom operators amounting to €500 billion over the last 10 years, there remains a gap of around €174 billion to reach the Digital Decade targets by 2030.
It is therefore fair that the large content and service providers, who alone generate around 55% of the traffic on EU country networks, also invest in the infrastructure that hosts them and makes their growth possible, and on which they have not invested in any way until now.