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Board of Directors' Members

Alberta Figari


Independent director pursuant to art. 148 TUF and to the Corporate Governance Code

Committees:  SC
Proposed by: Outgoing BoD
Nationality: Italian

Pietro Labriola

Chief Executive Officer


Committees:  SC
Proposed by: Outgoing BoD
Nationality: Italian


Domitilla Benigni

Independent director pursuant to art. 148 TUF and to the Corporate Governance Code


Committees:  NRC, SC
Proposed by: Outgoing BoD
Nationality: Italian

Paola Camagni

Paola Camagni

Independent director pursuant to art. 148 TUF and to the Corporate Governance Code

Committees:  CRC, RPC
Proposed by: Outgoing BoD
Nationality: Italian

Ferro Luzzi

Federico Ferro Luzzi

Independent director pursuant to art. 148 TUF and to the Corporate Governance Code

Committees: CRC, RPC
Proposed by: Outgoing BoD
Nationality: Italian

Paola Giannotti De Ponti

Independent director pursuant to art. 148 TUF and to the Corporate Governance Code

Committees:  CRC, NRC
Proposed by: Blubell Capital Partners Limited
Nationality: Italian

Giovanni Gorno Tempini

Giovanni Gorno Tempini

Board member


Committees:  SC
Proposed by: Outgoing BoD
Nationality: Italian

Umberto Paolucci

Independent director pursuant to art. 148 TUF and to the Corporate Governance Code

Committees:  NRC, RPC
Proposed by: Merlyn Partners SCSp
Nationality: Italian

Stefano Siragusa

Stefano Siragusa

Independent director pursuant to art. 148 TUF

Committees:  SC
Proposed by: Merlyn Partners SCSp
Nationality: Italian


Avv. Agostino Nuzzolo

Agostino Nuzzolo

General Counsel and Secretary to the Board of Directors

  • SC= Sustainability Committee
  • CRC = Control and Risk Committee
  • NRC = Nomination and Remuneration Committee
  • RPC = Related Parties Committee


Directors skill matrix

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PR Chairwoman and CEO

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PR Shareholders’ Meeting

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