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Cabine digitali e città del futuro

Innovation According to TIM

Our vision of the future at Italian Tech Week 2024

10/02/2024 - 05:00 PM

Between 25 and 27 September, many companies, entrepreneurs, institutions and national and international protagonists of the digital transformation gathered at the Italian Tech Week, to talk about innovation and technology.

As TIM Group, we brought our vision of the future and presented new solutions for cities, businesses and people.

TIM and Alaian for Open Innovation

On stage at the Officine Grandi Riparazioni, Pietro Labriola, TIM CEO, announced our joining Alaian, an international alliance of leading telecommunications operators in the Open Innovation field, which will help us connect with the best start-ups and innovative companies from all over the world, to work together on use cases that have the potential to transform our industry.

Through Alaian, companies participating in TIM's Open Innovation initiatives will be able to accelerate their growth by levering some of our distinctive assets (such as our customer base sales network, and cloud and technology infrastructure), and, foremost, will have access to a global ecosystem with a potential market of over 1.5 billion customers and a network spanning 70 Countries, to create synergies with other strategic partners and advanced technology resources.

Smart Cities and the Future of Urban Life 

Elio Schiavo, TIM's Chief Enterprise and Innovative Solutions Officer, took the stage at the Italian Tech Week to talk about TIM Enterprise's innovation, and, in particular, about our smart land model based on an urban intelligence platform integrating the best technologies to process data and enhance fast fibre connection. This platform, which has already been adopted by many municipalities, enables data analysis and management of urban areas in real time, and allows administrations to respond to the needs of citizens and tourists with increasingly efficient, safe and sustainable services, changing the way we experience our cities and promoting the accessibility of our Italian artistic and cultural heritage.  

And Antonio Morabito, Enterprise Business Development and Marketing Director at TIM, expanded on the AI and Data topic, by addressing the Retail Media field. In his speech on the evolution of digital marketing, he highlighted the importance of data reliability and security on one hand - which TIM guarantees and manages through its Data Centres - and the ability to exploit sophisticated Artificial Intelligence algorithms to profile user-based advertising content in real time on the other hand - as in our Out-of-home advertising (OOH) solutions already implemented in Largo di Torre Argentina, one of the most visited squares in Rome.

An Engaging Tour of our Customer Innovation Centre

The Italian Tech Week was also an opportunity to offer an interactive journey into the world of innovation and disruptive technologies. Indeed, the OGR host our Customer Innovation Centre, an innovation hub where we work in synergy with other industry players and research centres, to test and launch cutting-edge Cloud and AI applications. And during the Italian Tech Week, we presented nine innovative live solutions, some of which are already on the market, concerning AI, IoT, Cloud, Virtual reality and cybersecurity. A real showroom that ITW participants were able to visit, to experience the potential of new technologies applied in different sectors - smart cities, tourism, manufacturing, retail and finance - first-hand.

To rewatch TIM's speeches at Italian Tech Week