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TI Shareholders' Meeting - April 12, 2011: Right to submit questions before the Shareholders' Meeting

04/05/2011 - 03:00 PM

Shareholders may ask questions about the matters on the agenda before the shareholders’ meeting, submitting them by April 4, 2011.

Questions may be sent to the Company:

1) by post, to the following address

Corporate Affairs - Ref. Domande
Piazza degli Affari n. 2
20123 MILAN - Italy

2) by fax, to the number +390691864277

3) by e-mail to the e-mail address:

4) through the specific section of the Company website

Users of such Company website section are required to register, entering their personal data and shareholding in a specific form.

Registered shareholders may then access a reserved area of the site using their personal password, and formulate their questions on the various items on the agenda. Shareholders are able to decide whether to submit their questions (which are not then be modifiable), or save their questions until they decide to submit them. In the latter case, the shareholder may change or add to the questions that have already been saved, until the end of the period established for the formulation of questions before the shareholders’ meeting.

The right to submit questions is reserved for shareholders: their entitlement is represented by sending the certificate issued by the brokers with whom the shares are lodged or, alternatively, by the communication of a request to attend the shareholders' meeting.

The Company reserves the right to provide answers to the questions in a specific “Questions & Answers” section that may be consulted on the company website or to otherwise provide single answers to questions on the same subject.


Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998 ("Consolidated Finance Law")

  • Article 127-ter (Right to ask questions prior to the shareholders’ meeting)