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Reference is made to the Meeting of Ordinary Shareholders of Telecom Italia S.p.A. called by notice published on 1 March 2014 for 16 April 2014 at 11.00 a.m. in Rozzano (Milan), Viale Toscana 3.
In this regard, in light of the Board of Directors’ resolution of 6 March 2014 and the request to integrate the agenda of the meeting received from the shareholder Findim Group S.A. pursuant to art. 126-bis of Legislative Decree n. 58/1998, the meeting will be called to discuss and resolve on the following:
Ordinary session
Extraordinary session
Presentation of resolution proposals/supplementary agenda
Following the integration of the agenda for the shareholders' meeting by the Board of Directors, as described above, the deadline for the submission of resolutions proposals on the issues already on the agenda, as well as the request for inclusion of supplementary items on the agenda to be discussed at the Meeting by shareholders who, individually or jointly, represent at least 2.5% of the ordinary share capital, is to be considered re-opened.
The right may be exercised within 24 March 2014, in compliance with the terms already communicated with the notice published on 1 March, 2014.
The reports on agenda items as integrated by the Company’s Board of Directors, the report drawn up by the requesting shareholder pursuant art. 126-bis of Legislative Decree n. 58/1998 and the information document on the proposed stock option plans will be available as of today at the registered office of the Company and at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. as well as on the Company’s website www.telecomitalia.com/agm.
Within the respective terms of law the following documentation will be made available: (i) with the same modalities, the 2013 annual financial statements, the remuneration Report, the corporate governance and ownership structure Report; (ii) at the Company's registered office the documentation on the financial statements of subsidiary and affiliated companies
The documentation for the Shareholders’ Meeting may be requested using the contact details at the end of this notice; the Company will not take into account any request formulated on previous occasions.
Further Reference
All the other terms and information already communicated through the notice published on 1 March 2014 are confirmed and are available on the website www.telecomitalia.com/agm.
Further information
The Registered Office of the Company is open to the public on working days between 10.00 am and 1.00 pm (CET).
For any request or information, please contact:
Notice of Shareholders' Meeting April 16, 2014 – Supplemental Agenda