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08/31/2012 - 09:00 AM
Those shareholders who, alone or with other shareholders, represent at least 2.5% of the ordinary share capital and who upon exercise of the right, legitimize themselves in the forms established by applicable provisions of law, may present resolution proposals on items already on the agenda for the Shareholders’ Meeting as well as ask for an integration of the proposed items.
The request and a report explaining the reasons therefor, together with an identity document of the applicant, must reach the Company’s registered office by 10 September, 2012 either by post to the following address:
Corporate Affairs
Piazza degli Affari n. 2
20123 MILAN - Italy
or by e-mail to assemblea.azionisti@pec.telecomitalia.it together with the communication attesting the ownership of the aforementioned shareholding at the date of the delivery of the request, issued by those intermediaries who maintain the accounts in which the shares of the requesting shareholders are registered.
The supplementary agenda and the related explanatory reports, accompanied by any comments of the Board of Directors, will be published by 3 October 2012 by the Company on its website www.telecomitalia.com/agm. Any integrations to the agenda and new resolution proposals will be published within the same term in the newspapers in which the call notice was published.
Article 126-bis Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998 ("Consolidated Finance Law") (Additions to the agenda of the shareholders’ meeting)
Right to submit questions before the Shareholders' Meeting
Attendance and voting
Telecom Italia Shareholders' Meeting - October 18, 2012
Register to notify proxies, ask questions before Shareholders' meeting and vote by electronic means.