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Shareholders' Meeting – March 31, 2021: Right to submit questions before the Shareholders' Meeting

02/19/2021 - 07:00 PM

Persons entitled to vote, having demonstrated their entitlement in the forms prescribed by the applicable regulations, may ask questions on the topics on the agenda within March 22 2021 by sending them to the Company, accompanied by an identity document, to the following address:

TIM S.p.A.

Corporate Affairs - Ref. Questions

Via Gaetano Negri no. 1

20123 MILAN – Italy

or by e-mail to the address: or through the reserved area of the internet website

Only holders who are entitled to vote may submit questions: their entitlement to do so is established by an ad hoc communication for participation in the deliberations of the Shareholders’ meeting and which attests ownership of shares at March 22 2021 (record date).

The entitlement can also be attested after the sending of the questions as long as it is within March 25 2021.

Questions submitted as above which are relevant to the items on the agenda, shall be answered and published on the Company website, by 26 March 2021. The Company reserves the right to provide single answers to questions on the same subject.


Reference regulation

Article 127-ter Consolidated Finance Law