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Filing of documents

07/26/2011 - 11:15 AM

It is announced that the minutes of the Board of Directors of Telecom Italia of 7 July 2011 concerning the decision to partially demerge the wholly
owned company Matrix S.p.A. (with registered offices in Milan in Piazza Einaudi, 8, share capital Euro 2,100,000.000 fully paid up, tax code and Milan Business Register no. 11586340157) into Telecom Italia is available to the public at the registered offices of the Company, on the Company website and at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (

The demerger decision was taken by the Board of Directors pursuant to article 12 of the Company Bylaws, in accordance with the terms and conditions indicated in article 2505 of the Italian Civil Code.

Said Board of Directors also approved the free increase in the share capital of Telecom Italia to service the 2010-2014 Broad-based Employee Share Ownership Plan approved by the shareholders meeting of 29 April 2010, and the minute thereof, together with a copy of the updated Bylaws is available to the public as indicated above.

Milan, 26 July 2011