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11/09/2005 - 12:00 PM
Registered office in Milan, Piazza degli Affari 2
Corporate Headquarters in Rome, Corso d’Italia 41
Fully paid-up share capital Euro 10,667,761,163.95
Tax/VAT and Milan Company Register no. 00488410010
Notice to holders of “Telecom Italia 1.5% 2001-2010 convertible bonds with premium upon redemption”
(in accordance with art. 2503-bis, paragraph 2 of the Italian Civil Code).
Notice is hereby given to the holders of the above-listed bonds that a programme has been set up for the integration, via the merger by incorporation of Tim Italia S.p.A. (with registered office in Milan, Piazza degli Affari 2, share capital Euro 413,552,203.00, fully controlled by Telecom Italia S.p.A., tax and Milan Company Register no. 04643350962) with and into Telecom Italia S.p.A..
The merger will be approved by the Board of Directors of both Telecom Italia S.p.A. and Tim Italia S.p.A. according to the provisions of art. 2505 of the Italian Civil Code and the by-laws of each company.
This notice neither integrates nor alters the rights of the holders of the “Telecom Italia 1.5% 2001-2010 convertible bonds with premium upon redemption” which will continue to be regulated by the Bond Regulations.
Any person interested in the conversion of the bonds may do so by presenting application therefor to any intermediary adhering to the management system headed by Monte Titoli S.p.A., in compliance with art. 6 of the Bond Regulations.
The conversion will be performed in accordance with the terms and conditions provided by art. 6 of the Bond Regulations.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors
Marco Tronchetti Provera
This notice was published in the Italian Official Gazette on November 9 2005