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ESG indexes and ratings

According to the World’s Most Sustainable Companies for 2024 ranking (*), TIM is one of the 500 “most sustainable companies in the world,” a milestone achieved by only 20 companies in Italy. Our commitment to sustainability is also confirmed by our presence in major ESG indices: we are in the Top 10% ESG Score of the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2024 and in 2023 we entered the CDP A-List as a leader in corporate transparency and climate change, ranked as the best company for LGBT inclusion according to the LGBT & Diversity Index, and awarded the platinum medal by Ecovadis for ESG performance in supply chain, labor, ethics, human rights, and environment. These achievements are long-standing; since 2003, we have been present in the sustainability indices of major international rating agencies and, to date, we are included in over 20 ESG indices and ratings.

Discover more in this page and consult Telecom Italia shares

(*) The World’s Most Sustainable Companies for 2024 ranking was conducted by Statista together with the American weekly magazine Time to highlight the world's best practices in corporate sustainability.

2023 main recognitions

The TIM Group entered the CDP A-List as a leader in corporate transparency and performance on climate change
The Group has been participating in the CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) questionnaire since 2010.

Dow Jones Sustainability Indices

We confirmed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index and among Sustainability leaders in the S&P Global sector as the only Italian company in the telco sector.
The TIM Group has been included in the S&P Top 10% ESG Score Global Sustainability Yearbook 2024. The Group has been included in the indices for Italy since 2003 and for Brazil since 2014.

The TIM Group was awarded the Ecovadis Platinum Medal as part of the 1% of the best companies for ESG performance in terms of work, human rights, environment, ethics and the supply chain.
The Group has been included in the rating since 2010 for Italy and since 2022 for Brazil.

Refinitiv Index

The TIM Group was confirmed as world leader in the telco sector for diversity and inclusion policies in the Refinitiv Diversity and Inclusion Index.
The Group has been in the index since 2020 for both Italy and Brazil.

PARKS - LGBT Diversity Index

In Italy, TIM was once again awarded as the best company for the inclusion of LGBT people by the LGBT & Diversity Index.

TIM in Italy was confirmed in the Top 10 of the Diversity Brand Index for its commitment to Diversity & Inclusion.