Today is World Cancer Day. World Cancer Day is promoted by the UICC (Union for International Cancer Control) and supported by the World Health Organisation.
Every year, more than 12 million people are diagnosed with cancer, with a mortality rate of more than 50%. Yet, approximately 40% of cancers are potentially preventable. In Italy alone, 3,368,000 people have experienced the difficulty of a cancer diagnosis, and while research is making great strides, the fight against cancer is still an uphill battle.
Precisely to emphasise the possibility and importance of prevention, TIM is committed to raising awareness among its employees on actions that can significantly reduce the risk of developing this disease by publishing content and information on health issues.
For TIM, the health of its own people is of prime importance, which is why, as part of the WellBeing Project, the Prevention and Health line has been up and running since 2019, giving all employees access to training courses dedicated to prevention. TIM WellBeing Project promotes people's psychological and physical health — placing individuals at the centre of the company organisation — through informative webinars, e-learning courses, e-meetings with a support desk, but also through projects and partnerships dedicated to sport and wellness.
In addition, on TIM Academy, the online platform dedicated to training TIM Group employees, information and training is available on the various aspects of the fight against cancer: from awareness, to life after diagnosis and the various types of tumours with the different prevention strategies. It is not limited only to the field of oncology, but also covers other difficult diseases, such as HIV.
When it comes to health, it is not only about training and raising awareness, but also concrete support. TIM provides its employees with a free medical check-up for anyone aged 45 or older and the TIM myHealth policy for free online health care for the whole family.