Telecom Italia, the National Association of Italian Communes (Associazione Nazionale Comuni d’Italia, ANCI), the Union of Italian Provinces (Unione delle Province d’Italia, UPI) and the National Union of Mountain Communes, Communities and Regional Authorities (Unione Nazionale Comuni Comunità Enti Montani, UNCEM), have signed a protocol of understanding for the development of e-government as part of the processs of technological innovation for local government.
The aims of the understanding are to improve and adjust public services, bringing them into line with the needs of citizens and economic operators in the country, by developing solutions and infrastructure underpinned by Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
Particular attention will be paid to the development of online services, the enlargement of databanks, the promotion of innovative family and multimedia services, the widespread adoption of broadband and the promotion of systems of cooperation between mountain communes, provinces and communities.
Finally the opportunities for accessing national and Community financial resources and public-private partnerships for the provision of services related to the management of public information will be evaluated.
Telecom Italia and the local authority association signatories to the understanding intend to thus support the development and dissemination of ICT services and innovative solutions designed to improve the management of local government and favour the growth of the country from the point of view of innovation and technological research.