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Finsiel Group: 2002-2004 Business Plan Agreement Reached with Union Organisations

09/06/2002 - 12:00 PM

Finsiel Group - the Telecom Italia Group Information Technology for the Market business unit - has reached an agreement with the FIM-CISL, FIOM-CGIL, UILM-UIL and UGL unions regarding the 2002-2004 business plan, in compliance with the guidelines enshrined in the Telecom Group 27 May 2002 agreement.

The three-year business plan notes that the information technology market is evolving towards a new model in which it is necessary to channel offerings by leveraging innovative solutions and emerging technologies. To this end, the Finsiel Group is set to develop an operating model which will achieve the efficiency gains and functional excellence necessary to consolidate and expand its market presence, and where possible leverage synergies with other Telecom Italia Group members.

Finsiel Group companies will be able to focus specifically on developing their professional mix. Where appropriate targeted hirings will be made in specific areas of operation; qualified candidates have already been taken on in commercial management.
In pursuit of the targets set in the business plan specific tools will be used to undertake appropriate mobility, job transfers and professional reconversion. These programmes will run alongside a resizing of the number of human resources employed. Signed by all the unions, the new agreement also provides for an extensive training programme offering approximately 10,000 days of training and on the job training options.
Criteria have been adopted for implementation of mobility pursuant to law number 223/91, the provisions of which apply to employees who, on a voluntary basis, are entitled to opt for early pensions during the mobility period.