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Telecom Italia and the Radiotaxi Union launch first nationwide number for taxi service – 892 192

10/30/2006 - 12:00 PM

The new number will operate from today for over 60 taxi companies nationwide and will accelerate the cab search

The first service of its type in Europe

Telecom Italia and the Italian Radiotaxi Union (U.R.I.) have agreed that Telecom Italia will supply U.R.I. with an intelligent number - 892 192 – capable of sorting the calls of over 60 taxi companies. Using this new number, which begins operating from today, users will be able to call a taxi in any Italian city, always using the same number.

In particular, the new service, which is the first of its kind in Europe, will employ a Telecom Italia intelligent technological platform to handle calls for taxis using the same number, both from fixed-line and mobile telephones, directing them to the nearest available call centre.

This will reduce response time while providing an easier and more immediate service for customers who will be able to memorize the dedicated taxi-search number on their handsets, making it no longer necessary to store different numbers for single cities.

A welcome message will greet users and guide them in the booking of their taxis, putting them in contact with the Radiotaxi centre of the city where the taxi is needed. If the call is from a mobile telephone, it is enough to say the name of the city and the system will be able to make the contact requested.

The initiative involves more than 60 Italian Radiotaxi companies, or approximately 70% of taxis nationwide. The 892 192 service complements the geographic radio taxi numbers which are currently in operation.

The cost of the service from fixed-line telephones is 62 euro-cents per minute, VAT included (without a pick-up charge) and from mobile telephones the maximum price will be 96 euro-cents per minute with a 15 euro-cent pick-up charge. Calculation of the charge will begin only after the information message has been heard and the call has been answered by Radiotaxi.
Part of the revenues from calls will be donated to the Italian association of cancer research (Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro, A.I.R.C.).


Milan, 30 October 2006