Telecom Italia is reorganizing its structure as part of the drive for greater efficiency announced at the presentation of the Group's 2009/2011 Strategic Plan.
This reorganization covers domestic business, disposals, and international operations.
Domestic Market Operations management, headed by Oscar Cicchetti, is taking on a new customer-centric focus that revolves around customer satisfaction at all stages of corporate processes. Under this new approach, all customer sectors will see the rollout of convergent products and services to focus on the market share, raise quality of service, and enhance customer loyalty to the Telecom Italian brand.
The department is subdivided into three macro-areas:
• The Consumer Market unit, managed by Carlos Lambarri, focuses on increasing the penetration of traditional and innovative landline and mobile network services for families and mass market customers.
• The Business Market unit, managed by Pietro Labriola, focuses on promoting traditional, innovative, landline and mobile ICT technology use by SMEs and SoHo customers.
• The Top Clients & Networked IT Services unit, managed by Gianfilippo D’Agostino, is responsible for growing the value of Top, Large Account and Enterprise clients, and works to transform business processes with major industrial and services enterprises, banks and government departments.
Domestic Market Operations incorporates the Business Innovation unit, managed by Luca Tomassini, which will pilot service innovation, monitor industry evolution, and select paths to innovation for offerings that meet corporate customer satisfaction objectives; Quality of Service, managed by Paolo D’Andrea, coordinates processes, activities and programmes for improving perceived and measured quality throughout all product/market relations.
Domestic Market Operations management is also responsible for Olivetti, Telecontact, Matrix, Pathnet, and Telsy.
A new Disposals department is being set up to advance the disinvestments announced in the 2009/2011 Strategic Plan (that is, the valorization of non core assets in order to focus on the domestic market and on Brazil), managed by Giovanni Stella. Mr. Stella maintains his post as Vice Executive Chairman at TI Media. Mauro Nanni is to be proposed as CEO of TI Media.
Concurrently, International Business is being taken over ad interim by CEO Franco Bernabè. A new department, International Operations, is to be set up and managed by Stefano Mazzitelli, who will work in concert with Disposals.
A Disposals Plan Steering Committee has been established tasked with defining strategies and deadlines for disposals in order to maximize value for the shareholders. Chaired by the CEO, on the Steering Committee sit the Head of Administration, Finance & Control; the Head of Domestic Market Operations; the Head of International Operations; and the Head of International Legal Affairs.
At TIM Brasil, it will be proposed that Luca Luciani be coopted on to the Board of Directors and nominated as CEO, while Mario Cesar de Araujo will be proposed as Chairman of TIM Participacoes. Carlos Lambarri remains as interim CEO of Hansenet.
Rome, December 23, 2008