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Telecom Italia: Telco list for the renewal of the Board of Statutory Auditors presented

03/18/2009 - 07:30 PM

With reference to the company’s Ordinary Shareholders meeting, called for 7 and 8 April 2009, to deliberate – amongst other things – the nomination of the Board of Auditors, Telecom Italia announces that today the shareholder Telco S.p.A. presented the following list of candidates:


Canditates for Auditors

1.      Salvatore Spiniello, born in Syracuse, 26 April 1951

2.      Ferdinando Superti Furga, born in Milan, 20 January 1932

3.      Gianluca Ponzellini, born in Varese, 7 February 1947

4.      Lelio Fornabaio, born in Stigliano, 16 June 1970

5.      Mario Ragusa, born in Rome, 15 March 1963


Candidates for Alternate Auditors

1.      Ugo Rock, born in Naples, 14 March 1950

2.      Vittorio Mariani, born in Milan, 19 December 1938

3.      Luigi Merola, born in Eboli, 1 October 1971

4.      Luca Novarese, born in Savona, 16 June 1967


The relative documentation will be made available to the public at the company’s offices, on the Telecom Italia web site:, and on the Borsa Italiana web site:

We remind you that the deadline for presentation of the lists is 23 March 2009.


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Slate of candidates for the appointment as Auditors and Alternates presented by Telco S.p.A. (file .pdf, 32 KB)

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Curricula of the candidates for the appointment as Auditors presented by Telco S.p.A. (file .pdf, 64 KB)

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Curricula of the candidates for the appointment as Alternates presented by Telco S.p.A. (file .pdf, 61 KB)

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