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Telecom Italia: international recognition for the Group's sustainability activities

The 2008 sustainability report rated “A+” by the Global Reporting Initiative
Telecom Italia shown to be the best Italian company for the disclosure of data on climate change in the 2008 “Carbon Disclosure Project”

05/15/2009 - 11:45 AM

Telecom Italia has recently received recognition by two important international organizations for the attention shown towards environmental and social issues.

Telecom Italia has been considered by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) the best Italian company amongst those in the Financial Times Stock Exchange “Global 500” index, for the disclosure of data relating to climate change in its 2008 sustainability report. The CDP, a non-profit organisation, is a reference point at international level for measuring greenhouse gas emissions.

The “Global Reporting Initiative” (GRI), an organisation which was set up in 1997 to develop universal guidelines for the drafting of sustainability reports for the comparability between different companies, has given an “A+” rating to the Group’s sustainability report, certifying the highest level of adherence to the reporting principles and indicators proposed by the GRI.

This recognition confirms international appreciation for the model of social and environmental responsibility adopted by Telecom Italia which, since 2003, has integrated the relative information into the Group’s Annual Report.


Telecom Italia is amongst the main Sustainability indicators at national and international level:  Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI World and DJSI STOXX), Financial Times Stock Exchange for Good (Global, Europe, Environmental Leaders Europe ), Ethibel Sustainability Indexes (Excellence Europe, Excellence Global, Pioneer Global), Advanced Sustainable Performance Index, KLD Sustainability Indexes (Global, Global ex US, Europe, Euro Asia Pacific), E.Capital Partners Indices (ECPI Ethical Index Global, ECPI Ethical Index Euro, ECPI Ethical Index €uro), Axia (Ethical, Euro Ethical, CSR) while TIM Participações has been included in the  ISE (Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial) menaged by Bovespa (San Paolo Stock Exchange) together with other partners.
Telecom Italia is amongst the promoters of the  “Sustainability and evaluation of non-financial performance” laboratory, (, set up within the Alliance with the European Commission for Corporate Social Responsibility from March 2006, which aims to define an advanced model of communication for non-financial performance in line with the requirements expressed by investors and other stakeholders.