Telecom Italia announces that it received a request today from the shareholder Findim Group S.A. (owner of 671,431,444 ordinary shares, corresponding to 5.004% of the voting capital of the Company) to call the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting in order to discuss and resolve upon the following agenda:
- removal from office of the directors at the time presented by Telco S.p.A. or co-opted later;
- consequent renewal of the entire Board of Directors, after determining the number of members of the Board, as a result of the majority of the seats becoming vacant pursuant to Article 9.10 of the Company Bylaws;
- related and consequent resolutions.
The shareholder formulated the request pursuant to Article 2367 of the Italian Civil Code.
The Board of Directors will be called for the appropriate evaluations.
Milan, 16 October 2013