Telecom Italia's fibre becomes even faster. In fact, as of April launch of “Superfibra”, the new ultra-broadband service at 50 Mbits per second for downloads and 10 Mbits for uploads based on the optic fibre network realized in FTTCab (Fibre to the Cabinet) architecture.
Thanks to “Superfibra” customers will have a connection speed that will allow further improving the experience of surfing the net and accessing applications and services more quickly, such as streaming of videos in HD, high quality multi-player online gaming and multimedia content also simultaneously on smartphones, tablets and smart TVs. In particular with uploads up to 10 Mbits, over 3 times higher than the current offer, it will be possible to have an even more immersive experience on the network, loading photos, videos and large files in a much shorter time.
The “Superfibra”(*) solution will be available with the “Optic Fibre” offers in cities already covered by the service.
“We want to offer our customers increasingly advanced services characterized by high quality standards – stated Marco Patuano, CEO of Telecom Italia – and we can do this thanks to performance enabled by the new ultra-broadband networks that we are developing in the country with a challenging investment program. The faster connection speed we will provide from April onwards represents an important evolutionary step of the potential offered by the FTTCab architecture, which in this way confirms itself as one of the key factors in the pursuit of our strategy to enhance the fixed line segment even through an offer of valuable multimedia contents”.
The launch of the new services in optic fibre at 50 Mbits is the result of the strong impulse that Telecom Italia is giving to the development of its NGAN (Next Generation Access Network), thanks to the significant investments planned for the 2015-2017 period which will be equal to about 10 billion euros, of which about 5 billion dedicated exclusively to the innovative component. The 50 Megabit offer is also available wholesale for all interested operators. To date, Telecom Italia's ultra-broadband services are already available in more than 130 cities, equal to a nationwide coverage of more than 30% of the population, that will reach 75% by the end of 2017.
Telecom Italia has also initiated in Vicenza a FTTCab technology test with “vectoring” feature, which allows the performance of VDSL data transmission to be significantly improved, ensuring speeds of up to 100 Mbits per second for downloads and up to 50 Mbits per second for uploads.
The test, which will last until next June, covers all residential customers in the city with optic fibre connection participating in the initiative and aims to test in the field the considerable potential of this technology.
(*) Telecom Italia's “Superfibra” option is available with the “Internetfibra” and “Tuttofibra” offers, at an additional price of 5 euros per month (the first month is free).
Rome, 9 March 2015