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05/17/2018 - 11:49 AM

Since January 2018 TIM has been in discussions with trade union organisations to identify measures to support the DigiTIM strategic plan and in particular to define a personnel plan in line with the announced purposes and targets.  


Despite the numerous opportunities for joint in-depth analysis and the Company’s openness to a constructive and decisive discussion, it has not been possible to reach a joint solution fit for the company transformation challenges; these are unavoidable in order to respond effectively to the technological and manufacturing changes imposed by the market


The need to safeguard the industrial objectives, together with the economic and organisational sustainability requirements of the employment levels, therefore make TIM’s submission of a project for an Extraordinary Redundancy Fund (CIGS) for company reorganisation to the Ministry of Labour and trade union representatives inevitable. This project will be analysed and discussed with the trade union organisations with the desirable prospect of swiftly reaching an agreement. 


Rome, 17 May 2018


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