TIM announces that, in view of the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting, called for 24 April 2018 (single call), to resolve on – inter alia – the appointment of the Company’s Board of Statutory Auditors, Vivendi S.A. (with a declared total shareholding of approximately 23.94% of the voting share capital) filed today the following slate of candidates:
Candidates for Standing Auditor position
- Fazzini Marco born in Firenze on 12 October 1974
- Schiavone Panni Francesco born in Roma on 16 April 1954
- De Martino Giulia born in Roma on 2 June 1978
- Mastrapasqua Pietro born in Roma on 3 May 1958
- Vanzetta Mara born in Cavalese (Trento) on 16 March 1967
Candidates for Alternate Auditor position
- Coppola Antonia born in Napoli on 3 November 1970
- Balelli Andrea born in Roma on 26 February 1975
- Talamonti Maria Francesca born in Roma on 5 January 1978
- Tirdi Silvio born in Roma on 7 September 1954
In presenting the slate, the shareholder Vivendi S.A. proposed that the Shareholders’ Meeting establish the annual gross compensation of the Chair of the Board of Statutory Auditors as 135,000 euros and the gross annual compensation of each Standing Auditor as 95,000 euros.
In the next days, the detailed information and documentation required by the applicable regulations (in particular: curricula vitae and candidate declarations) will be made available to the public at the Company offices, on the TIM website at www.telecomitalia.com/agm, as well as on the website of the storage platform at www.1info.it.
Rome, 29 March 2018