“4 Weeks 4 Inclusion” (#4W4I) is the name that has been given to the intercompany programme being launched in 2020 with the contribution of 27 different companies that have come together to prepare a 4-week calendar for their employees, packed with shared digital events, including webinars, digital labs and creative groups dedicated to inclusion.
For the first time, a great many companies of the production ecosystem have networked and joined forces for an important project to sensitise towards the topics of inclusion and the appreciation of diversity.
A logo has been created to represent the initiative that, with a multitude of overlaid squares of different sizes and colours, intended as a manifestation of diversity within the company: diversity, therefore, as an element that enriches and generates value.
Accenture, Agos, Banca Ifis, BIP, BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas, Danone, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, FlashFiber, Google, Gruppo Hera, HR Services S.r.l., Janssen Italia, Johnson&Johnson Medical S.p.A., INWIT, LEADS, Olivetti, Parks – Liberi e Uguali, Poste Italiane, Schneider Electric, Snam, Sparkle, Telsy, TIM, TIM Brasil, TIMRetail, Telecontact Center and Valore D have worked constantly over the last few months to create a calendar of all-digital events (considering the current health emergency) to allow for the cross-company participation of employees of the various players involved.
The programme opens officially on Friday, 13 November, with the webinar “6 storie di inclusione: a colloquio con la Ministra” (6 inclusion stories: dialogue with the Minister), which will host Elena Bonetti, Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family, whilst, to mark the end of “4 Weeks 4 Inclusion” on Friday 11 December, a round table will be held where the Heads of HRO (Human Resources & Organizational Development) of the various companies will discuss the state-of-the-art of inclusion in the world of employment.
Between these two dates, a tightly-packed agenda of appointments will range from disability to intergenerational debates, the optimisation of the female contribution, sexual orientation and gender identity, ethnic origin and religion.
Rome, 12 November 2020