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TIM: Roberto Tundo appointed Olivetti Chief Executive Officer

03/31/2020 - 07:20 PM

Olivetti’s Board of Directors chaired by Giovanni Ronca appointed Roberto Tundo as new Chief Executive Officer of the company.

CV attached for reference.

Tundo owns 31.500 TIM shares.


Olivetti, heritage brand of the Italian industry and TIM Group’s digital hub, operates on national and international market as a renewed and evolving reality which focus on generating value for its customers. With a wide range of cutting-edge products and services, Olivetti, in full synergy with TIM Group, provides the market with innovative and technologically advanced end-to-end digital solutions to the business word. Thanks to the leadership in the Retail and office area and the know-how in the Internet of Things, Edge Computing, advanced wired, wireless and Machine to Machine connectivity, Olivetti today has a distinctive positioning of skills enabling business through digital evolution and innovation.


Rome, 31 July 2020


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Press release

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Curriculum Vitae

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