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TIM joins the European initiative for the development of Open RAN solutions

TIM joins the initiative launched by Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone to support the development and implementation of open solutions for future mobile networks to benefit consumer customers and businesses

02/05/2021 - 11:00 AM

TIM informed to have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) together with Deutsche Telekom AG, Orange S.A., Telefónica S.A. and Vodafone Group Plc, to promote Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN) technology for the implementation of next-generation mobile networks and for the benefit of consumers and businesses.

This enhances the company’s individual commitment to developing innovative solutions for the mobile ultrabroadband network which, by exploiting open virtualised architecture, facilitates increasingly agile, flexible, secure and functional communication for the spread of 5G digital services.

The initiative will provide strong impetus to the introduction of the broadband mobile network’s new functionalities, in particular the 5G ones, promoting an increasingly widespread deployment and improving its management.

The development of Open RAN solutions will increase choice enabling operators to further strengthen security standards, improve network performance and optimize costs with the aim of providing increasingly advanced digital services, such as those related to new solutions for Industry 4.0.

“TIM’s commitment to the creation of an O-RAN ecosystem,” stated Michele Gamberini, TIM's Chief Technology and Information Officer, “in addition to supporting Italian companies already developing solutions for new generation mobile networks, represents a solid opportunity to ensure our country plays a leading role as a provider of technologies for the digital transformation on a European scale. By signing up to the MoU with the operators, TIM is reinforcing its commitment to contribute to the development of Open RAN technology in Europe.”


Rome, 5 February 2021


Press Release

127 KB

Memorandum of understanding

740 KB

Adherence agreement-signed

143 KB