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TIM, Leonardo, Cdp and Sogei present the final offer for the creation of the Polo Strategico Nazionale (national strategic hub)

The PSN project aims to provide cloud solutions and services to the Public Administration in order to ensure the highest data efficiency, security and reliability standards

03/21/2022 - 06:00 PM

The team comprising TIM, Leonardo, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP, through the subsidiary CDP Equity) and Sogei, in compliance with the tender procedure, today submitted their final offer for implementation of the National Strategic Hub (Polo Strategico Nazionale - PSN) as part of the European tender for the award, through a public-private partnership contract, of the design, implementation and management of infrastructure for the provision of cloud services for the Public Administration.

The offer submitted in the tender follows the private initiative project finance proposal submitted by the same team in recent months and selected, on 27 December, by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department for Digital Transformation (decree no. 47/2021 - PNRR), as the benchmark proposal for the purpose of launching the tender, having been assessed as fully meeting the requirements laid down in Italy’s Cloud Strategy.

The offer envisages that, in the event of the tender award, a joint venture will be set up between the team members in the form of a joint stock company for provision of cloud solutions and services in support of the Public Administration in order to ensure the highest possible data efficiency, security and reliability standards.

The initiative is part of the overall plan to accelerate the digital transformation, with the aim of providing innovative services to citizens and businesses as required by the PNRR and by regulatory changes in digital infrastructure. 


With regard to the regulations on Related Party Transactions, it is recalled that for Leonardo the above operation, with reference to the planned establishment of a NewCo in case of award to the promoter and with regard to the correlation relationship with Cdp Equity and Sogei (companies owned by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, holding 100% in Cdp Equity – through CDP – and 100% in Sogei, as well as around 30,204% into Leonardo) is a related party transaction of “lesser importance”. The mentioned transaction benefited of the exemption from the application of the Procedure approved by the Company’s Board of Directors, provided for the transactions to be concluded under market-equivalent or standard terms, pursuant to article 11.2, letter c) of the above mentioned Procedure and in accordance with article 13, subsection 3, letter c) of Consob Regulations no. 17221/2010 (as amended and supplemented). The above taking into account the overall assessment of consistency with market conditions and fairness of the proposal’s economic contents by the granting Administration, through a public tender procedure and competitive comparison.


Rome, 21 March 2022


Press Release

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