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Telecom Italia, a partner of the "Rimini Meeting 2010"

08/20/2010 - 03:00 PM

Telecom Italia is a partner of the “Rimini Meeting 2010”, taking place on 22 - 28 August.

The Telecom Italia Group provides technological infrastructures and platforms in which voice and data are transformed into advanced telecommunications and ICT solutions, and state of the art media; tools for the development for the Group and the entire country. Telecom Italia, TIM, Virgilio, La7, MTV Italia and Olivetti are the Group’s main trademarks, icons familiar to consumers and guarantees of reliability and expertise.

Customer care and technological innovation are the key works of the Group with a streamlined organisation focused on the quality of the service, simple offers, attention to details of contacts with customer, and constant research activity in the TILab. This is also supported by major investments in infrastructures; in 2009 alone, 3.5 billion Euro were dedicated network and compute platforms. The aim is customer satisfaction and confidence in the key countries: and .

The Group’s domestic leadership – 15.7 million retail connections to the network, 7.1 million broadband retail connections, and 30.5 million mobile lines – is the result of an all-round telecommunications offer that has transformed traditional communication into the new digital communications. An extensive presence, interactivity and participation are ensured by the use of a wide range of devices: from mobile and ordinary phones, PCs and televisions, to smartphones and the more recent tablet computers or decoders for “over the top TV”.  Broadband availability ensures access to this new reality, with Telecom Italia providing ADSL lines in 96.5 % of Italian territory; users with TIM at the end of 2009 numbered 4.6 million.

For the country’s varied business community, including professionals, craftsmen, small and medium size enterprise and large companies, as well as the public sector, Telecom Italia has customised and integrated solutions; un portfolio ranging from converging fixed-mobile tariffs, IP communication and high speed connectivity to a wide range of applications: data management and handling, security, video surveillance, and the management of electricity consumption. Other offers include specialised solutions for specific sectors such as banks, health care and insurance.

In Brazil, a market with great growth potentials, TIM Brasil remains one of the major players, with 44.4 million mobile lines and a 24% market share. With its strong position in mobile telephony focused on innovation and quality of the service, it is fully exploiting the opportunities deriving from the replacement of fixed line phones with mobile lines, also using the most innovative mobile devices, as shown in its leadership Iphone3G sales.

20 August 2010


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