Telecom Italia, in accordance with its policy of support for cultural activities through the dissemination of new technologies, is the main partner of “Canale 150 – gli italiani di ieri raccontati dai protagonisti di oggi” (Channel 150 – stories about yesterday’s Italians told by today’s protagonists), the project designed to create a portrait of Italy through the stories of the people who have created it and experienced it for the past 150 years.
The project involves ten events to be held in various cities, starting from the initial ones already held in Turin and Rome. After the two days of testimonials in Milan, in the Palazzo Reale, the events will continue with Naples, Bari, Aosta, Genoa, Venice and Florence until December 2011. For the closing of the year of celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, the last event will be a great festival at the Officine Grandi Riparazioni in Turin. For each of these stages, 150 of today’s Italians, representatives of various fields of culture and the professions, will intervene, sharing with the public their stories, reminiscences and personal experiences related to 150 Italians of the past.
Canale 150 is the most important institutional support provide by the Telecom Italia Group to the series of nationwide initiatives planned to celebrate 150 years of Italian unification.
Telecom Italia, as main partner of the project, provide broadcasting on demand of the interventions through its web platforms, with access on the website LA7, the Group’s television station, will include programmes to further highlight the Canale 150 initiative.
Milan, 16 november 2010