The presentation of The Day Before project - offering Apprenticeships for specialized training and launched by Telecom Italia on a national scale - will be held tomorrow at 11:30am in Rome at the Engineering Management department of the “Università La Sapienza” (located in chiostro di S. Pietro in Vincoli). The project aims to insert 200 Engineering last-year undergraduates within the Telecom Italia group through a variety of possible paths in order to develop new managerial capabilities and to renew available competences by eliminating the generational gap. The project is in accordance with the agreement made with trade unions back in August 2010.
Specifically, the initiative seeks to offer employment opportunities for specific planning activities and network management connected with the development of new Ultra broadband technologies (NGN and LTE).
Telecom Italia has decided to invest strongly in University research and specialized training courses by collaborating with Italy’s most prestigious universities - such as “La Sapienza” - with the objective of opening new scenarios for relations between Universities and Business on a technological, innovative and educational level through shared and common strategies.
The specialized training courses provided by the company - to be undertaken in addition to regular degree course modules - has a duration of 240 hours and is subdivided in a series of modules on technological, commercial and business management subjects.
Tomorrow’s appointment has the objective of collecting candidatures and commencing the selection process.
Rome, 6th June 2012