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Telecom Italia: the first “Navigare Insieme” gym opens in Cagliari

The first workshop is set for Monday 23rd July at the ADA headquarters

07/20/2012 - 12:30 PM

The first “digital” gym of Navigare Insieme opens in Cagliari. Navigare Insieme (Surfing Together) is the project launched by Telecom Italia at national level aimed at promoting the use of communication technology amongst the over 60. The appointment is for Monday 23rd of July at 16.30 at the headquarters of Ada in via Po, where a number of stations will be set up allowing senior citizens to surf the internet for free. Further workshops are scheduled every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 16.30 till 18.30, as well as a morning workshop on Thursday from 9.30 till 11.30.

The seniors who take part in the workshops will be assisted by Telecom Italia volunteers as well as the Ada volunteers. “With experience and enthusiasm on the one hand and the fantasy and creativity of the youngsters on the other, we can create the cement with which to build stable civil and social growth” remarked Ada’s regional president Franco Boi, underlining the success of the initiative.

The Navigare Insieme project aims to help elderly users breakthrough the barrier that keeps them from freely using the Internet, help them overcome any possible mistrust of the digital world. Seniors well on their way to surfing and those already experts of the web can find up-to-date news on the website, with practical information and video lessons. Furthermore ten short sitcoms have been created by the Holden School of Torino, starring grandparents who, thanks to their grandchildren, discover how the Internet can make everyday life easier.

Navigare Insieme, created in collaboration with Informatici senza Frontiere, Auser, Seniores Alatel and other associations in the category, avails itself of the updating and exchange of contents with the country and in particular the 12 Italian cities involved in the initiative including Cagliari, the other cities are: Milan, Turin, Trento, Venice, Parma, Pisa, Ancona, Rome, Bari, Napoli, and Palermo.

Navigare Insieme has its own Facebook page, allowing fans stay constantly up-to-date and take advantage of all the possible interactions with the other social networks, such as Twitter and YouTube.

Cagliari, 20th July 2012


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