The Autonomous Province of Trento, Telecom Italia and the Fiat Research Centre signed a collaboration agreement today for the launch of a research project aimed at improving road safety through the use of vehicles connected to the 4G mobile network and localization services.
The aim of the initiative is to develop on an experimental basis, at the Technological Centre in Trento, innovative ICT models that can provide all the information needed in case of an accident before the arrival of rescue units. In particular, thanks to the adoption of an "eCall box", a built-in box installed on the vehicle, it may be possible to identify an accident and collect the data generated by the vehicle and the driver with greater precision. Through the new generation ultra-fast LTE mobile network, the information will be promptly sent to the Service Centre where it will be possible to develop the level of seriousness of the incident and transmit the results to the rescue units, allowing them to reach the place of the event by the most appropriate means, all thanks to innovative software systems.
The start of specific tests for the study of issues related to preventative road safety in Trento will also assist in promoting the development of local excellence skills in the field of ICT technologies and of the industrial system in the sector, in addition to seeing the Autonomous Province of Trento concretely committed to taking a leadership role on the issue and actively contributing to the EU's strategic plan, which focuses on reducing the number of road fatalities by 50% over the next 10 years.
Trento, 13 February 2013