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Telecom Italia: landslide damages fiber optic cable in the Valico del Macerone

The towns of Rionero Sannitico, Forlì del Sannio and Montenero Valcocchiara were affected

04/05/2013 - 05:15 PM

Telecom Italia informs that a substantial landslide that occurred last night on Route SS 17 at km. 162 (in Collecroce) towards the Macerone pass, caused significant damage to the fibre optic cable that serves the entire area. The company has initiated promptly all the complex tasks required in order to restore phone service already by the evening today.

The incident involved the telephone lines of the towns of Rionero Sannitico, Forlì del Sannio and Montenero Valcocchiara and ADSL connections in the north area of Campobasso.

Isernia, 5 April 2013


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