Telecom Italia launches the new offer “Tutto”, which allows unlimited calls from home to all fixed numbers and all national mobile phones with no connection fee, unlimited Internet up to 7 Mbps and 300 text messages per month from webmail to all mobile phones.
This new formula is proposed with a flat fee that also includes the traditional home fixed lines installment, with added services dedicated to both fixed and mobile lines, allowing unlimited calls and Internet at no additional cost.
For customers who switch to Telecom Italia with “Tutto”by 31 December 2013, the monthly plan is offered for the first 12 months at €29/month instead of €44.90; for new customers and for those who have not yet chosen ADSL flat services the monthly plan is discounted for the first 6 months. In addition, until 31 December 2013 activation is free.
The launch of “Tutto” is accompanied by a TV commercial on air these days starring Chiara, directed by the director Alessandro D'Alatri, with the creativity of Mortaroli&Friends and the production of Think Cattleya.
Rome, 12 September 2013