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Agreement signed with the trade unions to reduce the inconvenience caused to workers in their work and their travel to and from home

09/07/2018 - 05:45 PM

TIM signed a memorandum of understanding today with national and local trade unions SLC-CGIL,  FISTel-CISL,  UILCOM- UIL and unitary union representatives for Liguria aimed at making work easier for approximately 700 employees in Genoa and the surrounding province following the collapse of the Morandi bridge.

In particular, the memorandum of understanding provides for temporary extraordinary measures to be taken to reduce the inconvenience caused to workers in their work and their travel to and from home, in order to provide a concrete response to the state of emergency in the city.

The agreement provides for the following:  flexibility of arrival times, expansion of opportunities for agile working (at home or at the nearest company office), introduction of shuttle buses to reduce the use of private cars, temporary relocation and opportunity for part-time workers to arrange their weekly hours differently, concentrating them in a few days.

For technical staff, furthermore, the company has stated that it is willing to consider requests for service vehicles to be kept at offices closer to home.

Riccardo Meloni, Head of HR at TIM, has said: “Faced with the tragedy of the Morandi bridge in Genoa, TIM has applied its two fundamental values: to put its skills at the service of the country, restoring all communications for Genoa in a very short time, and to take care of its people by making the best decisions for its employees to reduce inconvenience with flexible and innovative solutions in agreement with the Trade Unions.”

Genoa, 7 September 2018


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