Green Pea, the first “Green retail park” entirely dedicated to eco-sustainable purchasing conceived by the Farinetti family, has chosen the TIM Group as its technological partner for the digitisation of the futuristic centre due to open in Turin, next to Eataly Lingotto, on 8 December.
In particular, TIM has developed a project that uses the most advanced technology to manage the interior spaces and commercial activities inside Green Pea, with the goal of making it a place for multisensory interaction, learning and entertainment on sustainability issues. TIM will also have a store inside the centre created using natural, recycled or renewable materials for the furnishings and fittings, and offering products and services with low environmental impact, among other things.
The design solution includes ultrabroadband connectivity via the fibre optic network, 4G/5G mobile coverage and WiFi connections, allowing users to appreciate the speed and performances of the new wireless technologies offering the best multimedia experience, in addition to data management cloud services.
The connectivity and cloud services will support a series of cutting-edge digital solutions, created in collaboration with Olivetti, the digital hub of the TIM Group: applications for analysing data – aggregated, anonymised and collected in compliance with privacy regulations – which will make it possible to monitor attendance flows and receive feedback on customer preferences, web reputation analyses with continuously updated information, and latest generation cash registers. Thanks to TIM, multimedia totems for the transmission of information and advertising, advanced video surveillance systems and video conferencing solutions will also be available inside the Green retail park.
TIM’s sales point due to open at Green Pea will also offer the new line of products and services with low environmental impact, TIM Green, recently launched with the aim of reducing emissions and in line with circular economy principles. The products on offer will include reconditioned smartphones and the new green SIM, made of 60% recycled plastic and fully biodegradable packaging, in addition to modems and cordless phones that use recycled and recyclable materials, and offers dedicated to the Smart Home and the Internet of Things.
Turin, 21 October 2020